Monday, December 3, 2012

Final Portfolio

So here's the final of what I'll be putting in my portfolio in order.
More may be added before I send it in. But this is pretty much the ones that I picked out for my portfolio besides my sketchbook and animations. (The animations are set to private now since some of them are from my job, which I haven't added the proper copyright in yet).

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Watercolor Medium

more sketches to put up. Tried a different medium using watercolor. This is my first try.

I Think I may need to get a good camera for these 0_0;;.
And that reminds me that i'll need to put my charcoal on news print on here as well.

I'll post better quality photos this week. It's almost time to send in the portfolio.  So I'll be working hard for this week and next's . I'll see if I can post more layout work.  Wish me luck .

Sunday, November 11, 2012


More pics for the portfolio. I tried a different medium this time with colored pencils.  I think they came out pretty good for my first try. This week I'll be trying something different with ink this time for gradation to work on tones. I shall update more later. 

Monday, October 22, 2012

Week 3 and 4

So due to other priorities, I'm a little behind with my work as expected. Despite this however, while going along with my studies I have learned so much within a couple of weeks.

The following sketches shows my progression. Overall I've learned quite a deal of the repeated mistakes I have in my work and was able to correct. I was also able to go into an uninstructed art class. I shall write another blog in the upcoming week to elaborate more on the detail.