Monday, January 14, 2013

Winter Project #1 Schedule

For the next couple of months along with two other projects, I'll be setting a schedule to get PTTR (Abbreviation for Paint the Town Red from now on) finished by the end of the school term.

There are about nine weeks until my set deadline. Though that seems like a lot of time, it can be rather short. I haven't finished an animate project in a long while, and though it may seem that time is on my side, I'll be using it very wisely considering how much there is to do since I'll be juggling with two other projects with one of them having a deadline in about 5 weeks.

The schedule for PTTR is as follows:

Week 1 

(I'll be counting the THIS week to be my first week on the project)

January 20- All preparations should be met:

1.For PTTR considering storyboard, background, and files that have already been made for the project before, should be organized in to have smooth sailing for this project.
2. At least 15 more seconds of the project should be completed. (this won't include coloring and backgrounds).
3. Come up with a plan on how background will be set for the show whether it be color, lighting, texture. (Have a plan so you don't have to do this the last second.)

Week 2

January 27- 

1. Get started on backgrounds. Make at least 2 backgrounds for this week to get started. (Remember we're setting for quantity rather than quality here. Do not be a perfectionist! Relax and cut loose). If you can manage make a third one or at least get started on it.
2. 30 more seconds of animation at least should be completed.
3. Remember you want to get half done by the mid week 6 at the latest.

Week 3

February 3-

1. 2-3 More backgrounds for this week.
2.  30 more seconds of animation at least should be completed. If you can, I encourage to push farther.

Week 4

February 10-

1. If you have succeeded in making 2 backgrounds the last couple of weeks, push it to 3.
2. If you have been able to animate 30 seconds well, try pushing it to 45 seconds.

Remember it's alright to feel uncomfortable in these situations. Don't be afraid to push yourself.

Week 5

February 17-

 If possible contact Denny for music (if he's not too busy), if the project has gone far enough to where the timing is spot on, show it to him.
1. If comfortable make three more backgrounds (if there is still more backgrounds to do ).
3. Since this week is the Deadline for my other project I'll be reducing the animation to down to about 10 seconds this week on the safe side. If you can manage, try to do more.

Week 6

February 24-

1.  30 more seconds of animation at least should be completed.
2. By this time the project should have 2 minutes and 45 seconds completed at least.  You want to have the animation be a little over halfway completed at this point.

Week 7

March 3-

1. At this point, try pushing  a completion of 45 seconds at least and try to do more.
2. Backgrounds, I figure should be done at this point. If not, complete 2 more.

Week 8

March 10-

1. For this week finish up anything that you have left. And be sure to contact Denny for music stuff.
2. At this time, you'll be wanting to get sound effects.

Week 9

March 15-

Project should be finished. If the music is not done, that's fine. But the animation should be almost done to done at this point.

March 18-

 Last and Final deadline if deadline before has not been met. This would be the completion and presentation date.

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